The clinical trial oversight ecosystem is changing right before our eyes -- and fast. In an article titled The Next Normal Arrives: Trends That Will Define 2021—and Beyond, McKinsey calls out a range of shifts that will change the way we all do business.
Which one should hit home for everyone involved in clinical trial oversight?
Digitally enabled productivity gains accelerate the Fourth Industrial Revolution
We know that the fourth industrial revolution is already underway, as we are seeing the automation of business processes using modern smart technology all around us. Pair this trend with the understanding that remote work -- and especially remote committee meetings for oversight -- is here to stay, and a clear picture of a digitally enabled future for clinical trial oversight emerges.
So what does this mean for researchers, sponsors, and CRO’s?
Many oversight teams and committees are already using technology to some degree, and this trend will only continue. The big change? It’s that using these technologies -- especially smart software designed specifically for clinical trial oversight -- can rapidly increase the productivity of oversight teams.
This kind of fast, relentless innovation is moving quickly for everyone. McKinsey reports that some executives are moving “20 to 25 times faster than they thought possible on things like building supply-chain redundancies, improving data security, and increasing the use of advanced technologies in operations.” Wow! This rings true based on the conversations we’re having with our expert advisory council and our clients as well.
The time is now for researchers, sponsors, and CRO’s to have deep, meaningful conversations about how digitally enabled productivity gains are one of the imperatives of the new normal.
As teams adopt new technology, data security and integrity is always top of mind. With new technology comes new rules and protocols all around. The amazing thing about this trend is that adopting mission-aligned smart software for clinical trial oversight will actually address productivity and data security at the same time.
This means that adopting forward-thinking technology is part and parcel to adopting greater security. It also means that making these decisions is something that leadership needs to start thinking and talking about as part of conversations with every stakeholder involved.
Whatever technology got clinical trial oversight this far is not necessarily equipped to help it grow into the future that is already here. The time for innovation and forward-thinking is here.
The speed and efficacy with which the clinical trial ecosystem has developed vaccines and treatments for COVID-19 has been a marvel to watch. Clearly our clinical trial industry is able to move quickly and make incredible things happen while maintaining safety and oversight when we need these things most. McKinsey gives it to us straight: “The COVID-19 crisis has created an imperative for companies to reconfigure their operations—and an opportunity to transform them. To the extent that they do so, greater productivity will follow.”
Now the challenge is how to implement this kind of efficiency and productivity into the way all clinical trial oversight happens. How can we operate at our best every day and on every study? How can smart software support the highest and best use of the minds and efforts of our best science? How can automation and better, smarter processes help make great things happen?
This is our task moving forward, and a critical trend shaping the next moves of the clinical trial oversight ecosystem.
Whatever we were certain about a mere 2 years ago, it no longer holds true. Digitally enabled productivity and smarter remote work are the new normal, taking the clinical trial oversight ecosystem ever further.
We’re ready to talk to you about the future of your clinical trial oversight.