How the Balanced Scorecard in Cloud Concinnity® Makes Your Board Better

How the Balanced Scorecard in Cloud Concinnity® Makes Your Board Better

We recognize that there is a direct line from boardroom awareness and performance measurement to the growth & health of the business itself. It’s why we created a way to bring together key company metrics, boardroom performance visibility, and simple self-measurement capabilities so that board directors and all boardroom stakeholders can understand performance anytime, at a glance. Here’s why it makes Cloud Concinnity® a next-level software.

Why We Build Best Practices Into the DNA of Cloud Concinnity® 

Why We Build Best Practices Into the DNA of Cloud Concinnity® 

With evolving best practices at the core of what we do, we are committed to giving you software that empowers better decisions and agile leadership, and growing along with your team as those best practices change over time. Where board books & the current generation of board portals are basic tools that can help, we go the extra mile to craft intelligent software that never stops making the people using our software effortlessly better at what they do.

How Automated Workflows Transform Board Work into Agile Leadership

How Automated Workflows Transform Board Work into Agile Leadership

For decades, board work has revolved around the recurring but episodic march of the board book and the board meeting. In between, there was little to do for board directors but wait for the next meeting.  Behind the scenes, board secretaries, committee chairs and administrative assistants often toiled away, laboriously collecting documents and research to include in the next board book. No more wasting time. Cloud Concinnity® makes things agile in a whole new way. Here’s how. 

How Cloud Concinnity® Powers Agile Leadership

How Cloud Concinnity® Powers Agile Leadership

The rapid digital transformation, shifts in corporate culture, and a tumultuous political landscape all mean that leaders must be awake, aware, and ready to act at a moment’s notice. We call that agile leadership: operating as a proactive, adaptive leader in a changing world. We are focused on how Cloud Concinnity® can power agile leadership. Here are three examples….

Why Your Board Portal Doesn’t Make You A Better Board Director

Why Your Board Portal Doesn’t Make You A Better Board Director

When board portals debuted a decade or more ago, the digitization of bulky board books was groundbreaking. Today, we are in an era where cross-device document sharing and digital collaboration tools are ubiquitous — except, it seems, in our corporate boardrooms. Board portals have done little to evolve beyond document storage, and what changes they are making seem to be more patchwork and duct tape than transformation. This is why we call Cloud Concinnity® the world’s first integrated board intelligence and management platform. It is a platform, not a portal, offering a toolkit for board directors to perform and measure their work in new ways.

Why Board Portals Don't Elevate Engagement

Why Board Portals Don't Elevate Engagement

Boards don’t just need a portal, they need an intelligence & management platform. Cloud Concinnity® is just that — an integrated intelligence & management platform for boards who understand what it is going to take to up their game. We know board directors are under intense pressure from all sides. We designed this tool so they have a way to be consistently connected and elegantly efficient. 

Why Your Board Portal Can't Solve Its Empty Box Problem

Why Your Board Portal Can't Solve Its Empty Box Problem

When we built Cloud Concinnity®, we built it with the people who will use it in mind. It is better software designed for how board directors actually want to work, and for how they can work well together. Each member of our founding team has experience sitting on boards and being part of real businesses that have successfully grown. We built it to solve problems we have experienced and know how to solve.

Why Better Technology Creates Better Corporate Culture, Starting With Boards, C-Suites & Investors

Why Better Technology Creates Better Corporate Culture, Starting With Boards, C-Suites & Investors

With the digital transformation of work and business culture firmly upon us, what role does software play in corporate culture? Is it just a tool with no role beyond its business function? Or is it so deeply part of how we do our work that it is embedded inside what it takes to build a high performance corporate culture? We think smarter technology is essential to great corporate culture. Here’s why….

5 Ways Focusing on Concinnity Makes Governance Sing

5 Ways Focusing on Concinnity Makes Governance Sing

We know that there are unprecedented levels of pressure on everyone in the boardroom and at the executive level. The old playbooks are crumbling and a new model is emerging. Building the best practices for concinnity into the software itself is a master move. With the world changing at an ever-increasing rate, the only way to stay ahead of the puck is with good software. We simply can’t do it all alone — and good leaders know this.

5 Ways Smarter Technology Empowers Diversity in Corporate Governance

5 Ways Smarter Technology Empowers Diversity in Corporate Governance

We believe that intelligent technology can be end-to-end scaffolding for inclusion and board diversity in visionary corporate governance. In fact, the belief that smart technology is uniquely positioned to support the shift toward greater diversity in corporate leadership is one of the bedrock reasons our founders came together after decades of sitting in boardrooms and C-suites ourselves. A board portal alone is not enough. Cloud Concinnity is the kind of smart technology that supports visionary leadership teams from end-to-end for building diverse intelligence into their boardroom and C-suite processes and dialogue. 

5 Tactics for Getting in Front of the Digital Transformation

5 Tactics for Getting in Front of the Digital Transformation

The digital transformation is happening. We see it everywhere we look — from the smartphone always in our pockets to the suite of software tools on our laptops. But what does this transformation look like? What does it mean to be ready? Where do we start? What do we prioritize? The Concinnity team shares 5 key tactics to start your team’s conversations about the digital transformation.

Welcome David Rue as The Concinnity Company's new Chief Revenue Officer

Welcome David Rue as The Concinnity Company's new Chief Revenue Officer

We are thrilled to announce that David Rue is now The Concinnity Company’s Chief Revenue Officer. David is a seasoned financial services and stakeholder communications pioneer who has been helping companies navigate capital markets and stakeholder communications with cutting-edge technology for more than thirty years.